Friday, April 8, 2011

Weekly Report : Food Exhibition Day 7/4


We would like to express our highest gratitude to our lecturer, Chef Zaid for being such a remarkable mentor during our experience. He did not only teaches, but guide and advise us well for our sake. Not forgetting the team for being a super team throughout the whole semester. Despite some minor problems at first, but we can overlook that. Whatever it is, we've made it all the way to the end of the semester and we gave it our all. 
Thanks guys, and thank YOU Chef Zaid.

The Food Exhibition was held on the 7th of April 2011 recently to promote the creation of each subject. After five weeks of constant experiments with the fritters, one of them was put on display and unanimously chosen as the final outcome experimented subject- Black Pepper Fritters with Jack fruit.

The main aim was to get the evaluations from the public tasters that were present during the food exhibition. Another objective was to see how eminent the fritters are from the public's eye. And also to introduce Black Pepper Fritters with Jack Fruit to public as a potential selling food in the market.


Before event day:

Event day materials were scouted for the use of the final presentation. Presentation plate set was bought. Other materials were also gathered. Each members had meet up to discuss on the agenda and preparation on the event day.

During event day:
The activity started with:

12.30 pm: Members Arrival and Ready on Preparation
All students were required to submit to class earlier than usual for the preparation before the main event.

1.00 pm: Mise en Place
As stated, the food exhibition will feature Black Pepper Fritter with Jack fruit. Following items were prepared:

2 1/2 cups rice flour
3/4 cups plain flour

3 cups pineapple, coarsely chopped
4 cups jack fruit, julienne
3 cups bean sprout
5 1/2 cups sweet potato, julienne
1 tbspn onion, chopped
2 tbspn chillies
5 cups papayajulienne
black pepper, to taste 
 salt, to taste

2.00 pm: Start Forming Batter
The batter was formed in this stage,

Mix all dry ingredients together.


Bean Sprout
Sweet Potato

Black Pepper


Jack fruit

3.30 pm: Start Frying Batter
Batter was fried near serving time.

4.00 pm: Serving Time
Description: Fritters were presented in the display area. Evaluation forms were distributed for response.

6.00pm: Photography Session

Man of the house: in the middle

After event day:
Evaluations were noted and analyzed through. Final report is being prepared for submission.

There were indeed some problems arisen during the food exhibition. Those were:
1. How to deliver and maintain the crispiness of the fritter to consumers. 
2. The need to deliver the fritters on time without having the consumers to wait.
The solution to problem one is to fry the fritters near serving time. As for problem number 2, fritters were fried throughout the event in big batches and be prepared for serving.

The recommendation is based on the evaluation form given by consumers on the fritter. Overall:
1. Enhance the colour of tfritter.
2. Make the fritter slightly larger.
3. Reduce the amount of jackfruit.
4. Add more pepper.

 When running an event, ensure everything is organized and well prepared. Have everything in standby for use. The moment the operation has started, follow schedule according to plan, and have good communication among team members.

Chef Zaid bin Abdul Razak.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Weekly Report 31/3

The experiment of the day: Black Pepper Fritter with Jack Fruit. The varied variables will be through the amount flour added to test the crispiness of fritter and the absence of water and egg. The chosen ratio of flour is 7 : 3 parts of rice flour to all-purpose flour.

2.30 pm: Start Mise en Place

Basic Ingredients:
3 cups pineapple, coarsely chopped
4 cups jack fruit, julienne
3 cups beansprout
5 1/2 cups sweet potato, julienne
5 cups somtam, julienne
black pepper, to taste 
 salt, to taste

Subject A: 2 1/2 Cups of Rice Flour and 3/4 Cups of All-purpose Flour

1. Add in all the dry ingredients together.

2. Mix all dry ingredients evenly.

3.20 pm: Start Frying

Heat fat. Deep-fry batter until golden brown.

4.45 pm: Finished Frying
The result of the experiment:

Subject B: 3 Cups of Rice Flour and 3/4 Cup of All-purpose Flour with 1/2 Cup of Water
All ingredients are the same except for the total cups of flour and addition of water. Preparation method and frying method remians the same.

Subject C: 4 Cups of Rice Flour and 3/4 Cup of All-purpose-Flour with 1/2 Cup of Water and an Egg 
All ingredients are the same except for the total cups of flour and the addition of water and egg. Preparation method and frying method remains the same.

1. Subject B is less crispy compared to Subject A.
2. Subject C is the soggiest among all subjects.
3. Subject A has the crispiest fritter.

Absence of water and egg contributes to the crispiness of fritter.

Weekly Report 28/3

The experiment of the day was Black Pepper Fritter with Jack fruit. However, the experiment will be segmented in terms of the ratio of flour used: 

                 7 : 3, seven parts of rice flour and three parts of all-purpose flour
                 5 : 5, equal parts of rice flour and all-purpose flour 

 The activity started with:

3.00 pm:  Mise en Place

Basic ingredients:
 Rice flour
all-purpose flour
sweet potato
jack fruit
bean sprout
black pepper

7 : 3, Seven Parts of Rice Flour to Three Parts of All-purpose Flour

The ingredients are:

 3 cups rice flour                                         
1 no of sweet potato, julienne               
A handful of bean sprout
3/4 cups of all-purpose flour                      
1/4 of somtam, julienne                        
220ml water
20 chillies, sliced                                       
6 fleshes of jack fruit, julienne               
Salt and pepper, to taste 
1 egg

4.00 pm: Start Frying

1. Mix all dry ingredients together.

2. Next, add in eggs and water. Mix evenly. 

3. Heat fat. Deep-fry batter until golden brown.

  5.00 pm: Finished Frying

The outcome of the experiment:

 5 : 5, Five Parts of Rice Flour to Five Parts of All-purpose Flour

The ingredients and methods are the same except for the cups of flour where: 1 1/2 cups of rice flour and all-purpose flour were used.

Methods were innovated by baking. Alas, it did not quite work out. 

7 : 3 ratio of rice flour to all-purpose flour proves dominant over the 5 : 5 ratio. The results were crunchier and crispier for 7 : 3 ratio of rice flour to all-purpose flour in contrast to the other ratio where it turned out to be a bit soggy.

Baking of fritter was proven to be not suitable for an alternative for cooking method.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekly Report 18/3

The experiment of the day was Black Pepper Fritter with Bitter-gourd.The activity started with:

 2.10pm: Mise en Place
 All ingredients are compiled from the basic formula,

2 1/2 cups plain flour
1 cup rice flour
3 tbspn ground black pepper
3 nos chillies
1 whole sweet potato
3 nos of bitter-gourd
1 cup beansprout
2 nos of eggs
1 no of onion
3 tbspn sugar
2 tspn salt
1 3/4 cup water 

 2.25pm: Start Cooking
The next agenda will be the production of the fritters,

1. Mix all the ingredients except eggs and water. 

2. Once all the dry ingredients are equally mixed, add in the rest of the ingredients and combine well.

3. Next, deep-fry batter in fat in medium-high heat.


3.15pm: Finished Cooking
The whole batter was fried, the results were,

Taste it, then you know it.

6.00pm: Class Dismissed

Fritters used with rice flour turned out to be more crispier than used with tapioca flour.




Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekly Report 10/3

The experiment was of Pegaga and Apple Fritter with Black Pepper. The activity started with:

2.30pm: Mise en Place

2 1/2 cup plain flour
1/2 cup tapioca starch*
2 tbspn ground black pepper
3 tbspn chillies
2 nos sweet potatoes, jullienne
2 tbspn sugar
2 tbspn salt
1 cup blended pegaga
2 nos apple, jullienne
1 no of egg

1. Mix together all the dry ingredients except sweet potatoes and apples. 
2. Crack egg. Mix evenly.
3. Add in blended pegaga and mix until a smooth batter takes shape. 
4. Add in the potatoes and apples.
5. Lastly, deep fry thumb-size batter in fat.

4.00pm: Finished Frying
The result of the experiment:


5.00pm: Class Dismissed

*Addition of tapioca starch flour makes the fritter crispier.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Weekly Report 4/3/2011

This will be the starting week in commencing the proposed idea: Pineapple Fritters with Black Pepper. However, pineapple was not available therefore the varied item for the experiment was changed to green apple.

The operation started off with,

2.10 pm: Mise en Place

4 apples
2 eggs
2 red chillies 
1/2 Sweet Potato
1 onion
2 cups plain flour
1/4 cup ground black pepper
 1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tspn salt
1/2 packet of fat

2.30 pm: Started the Procedure; Method
The first thing which needed to be done in the list was coarsely cut the apples that is to be blended to get the apple juice.

 Next will be mixing all the dry ingredients:

Sliced chillies, onions and julienne cut sweet potato

Ground black pepper

 Followed by the addition of eggs and apple juice,

 Lastly, the batter was chilled in the chiller. The significance of the act is to gain a crispier effect for the fritter.

3.15 pm: Frying the Fritters 
The fritters were deep-fried in fat,

 4.30 pm: Finished
The upshot of the experiment:


5.50 pm: Class Dismissed 

1. Pay attention to the heat to avoid burnt and undercooked fritters.